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Introduction to Embroidery of Traditional Chinese Culture

Embroidery is a unique traditional handicraft in China, and embroidery in our country has a long history. As early as the Qin and Han dynasties, the craft technology of embroidery developed to a high level, and it and silk were an important pillar of the feudal economy of the Han Dynasty, and it was also one of the main commodities exported on the ancient Silk Road. It has made an important contribution to the art of textile craftsmanship and to the material civilization that enriched the world.

Regarding when embroidery began in China, it is generally said that in the Yao, Shun, and Yu eras, painting embroidery was made on clothes. The embroidered ornaments on ancient dresses mainly originated from the totem image of primitive clans and tribes, represented by natural scenes in heaven and earth. The earliest embroidery stitch method in China is lock embroidery, which is made of embroidery loop lock sleeve, named for its embroidery like a chain, and some look like braids. More than 3,000 years ago, the remnants of diamond-shaped lock embroidery were glued to the copper horn cover excavated from the Yin Wuhao Tomb in Anyang, Henan Province.

Embroidery, which has witnessed at least 2,000 years of history in China, is one of the ancient handicraft techniques of China. It is a technique used by women in ancient times, the needle and thread, like their ink and brush, is just a different way of expressing art, and women who are good at embroidery are equivalent to artists. 

Chinese embroidery has a long history, initially not from the ancient women’s boudoir, but from the original tribal ancestors of the tattoo, called “to show the body”, the original ancestors to show the body for these three reasons, one is to beautify themselves, borrowing color to decorate; two is the original ancestors were still in the stage of subsistence, there is no clothing as a cover, they use color to replace clothing; third may be Out of the worship of totems, so the natural pigments on their own bodies, and then the pattern will be tattooed on their bodies, perhaps with some kind of moral, or as a belief.

The four traditional embroideries in China are: Su embroidery in Jiangsu, Xiang embroidery in Hunan, Cantonese embroidery in Guangdong and Shu embroidery in Sichuan, and are called the four famous embroidery. Each type of embroidery has its own characteristics and charm. A work is a landscape, a pair of embroidery is a culture, embroidery, the beauty of China, the pride of China!

Post time: Mar-10-2023